by Mark 

Great Uncle Fred Sharron


Fred J. Sharron

My grandmother Nana had a brother, Fred Sharron. My Uncle David said he was a great guy and a father figure for him after his and my mom's father died. He died of coronary while Uncle David was in college.

He was in the scrap metal business. He did very collecting and selling during WW2.
And his son, Fred Jr worked for him picking up the metals and trucking them to the junk yard.

He had three sons Neil, Fred Jr (Buddy), and Charley who was Navy Vet now would be about 88 now if he is still alive.

About the author 


Hi, I’m Mark, the Teller of Tales Spawned from the Footlocker. I lost fifty years’ worth of stories in a house fire, leading us into the daunting task of navigating an insurance claim. Now, I’m developing a workbook to help others with hints and templates for documenting possessions and navigating similar challenges.

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